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 10 inspirational quotes for a lifetime


"The true alchemists do not change lead into gold; they change the world into words."
       - William H. Gass

(This quote is more directed to writers or anyone who loves telling the world their stories. As authors/writers, we have the ability to pour our - maybe twisted - imagination into fantastical worlds with characters that readers either love or hate. But most of all, we are brave enough to purse this dream of ours.) 



"Fairytales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten."
- G.K. Chesterton

(Part of a story is the conflict, the struggle, that our characters have to go through. That is what separates our story from the thousand, million, stories that have been told since the beginning of humanity. No one ever likes a character who is mortally "perfect" or who is unstoppable. Because everyone has suffering and pain that they experienced in their life. But somehow, we always manage to defeat and rise up to still be able to stand.) 



"Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty."

       - Enrich Fromm

(This applies to anyone who dreams of having their future involve with something creative. Let's be honest, schools don't intend to have students pursue a more creative career. They tend to gear the students to have a career that is aimed with math or science, not the arts. Which is understandable. But everyone - anyone - who is willing to pursue their dreams has to be willing to know that they are creating a path on their own. That they are creating their future rather than have others tell you what your future should be.)



"Sometimes I think I'm crazy because I see things differently than everyone else."

(Let's be honest, we all think this in sometime in our lives. Though it's never a bad thing, because no one can control your thoughts. Only you can see the world in a different light, you can think of such thoughts, that you are still in control of your life and for your future.)



"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

      - Marilyn Monroe

(I still don't and may never understand why the world that we live in now is more focused on getting the right answers and to be successful. Yes, having success is important, but sometimes success can lead to certain paths that has you hide. Mistakes are beautiful, craziness is a miracle, your happiness is a gift. Don't deny that fact.)



"You're a good man. But you will choose the darkness."
- Jenna Moreci, The Savior's Champion

(I absolutely love this quote because it could summarize the book! But it applies to reality, sometimes we are mortally conflicted with a choice. Some people know the right choice, but given the context of their situation, they have to do something that might not be suggested. But it could happen that someone is a good person, but had to endure too much pain that they become swallowed into the darkness. It doesn't mean that they are a "bad person", just a mortally conflicted person. Because all humans cannot not be completely good or bad person, simply a conflicting person.)



"To write means more than putting pretty words on a page. The act of writing is to share a part of your soul with the world."

(Yes, this is another writing quote, but it is true. To audiences, books can be seen as worlds and characters written into words in pages. But to every author, writing is their outlet of their inner thoughts and imagination. Every story is another piece of the author's soul that they are pouring out to be heard for everyone to listen.)



"Warriors are not the ones who always win. But the ones that always fight."

(Like I  said before, everyone in their life will have to go through pain and suffering, no matter how much we don't want to. It's part of life, unfortunately. What matters though, is that fight through it and know that in the end, you had walked through Hell and back. You can look at someone and think, "Wow...they are unstoppable." or "Wow....nothing could knock them down." Which I will tell you, that far from the truth, because everyone is battling against their demons. Just the fact is that they are fighting but good at hiding it.) 



"No matter how many times we burst into flames. We can always rise from the ashes."

(This is a reference to he mythical creature of the Phoenix, which is my favorite fantastical creature. But it symbolizes that no matter how many times you fall or burn out, you can always stand up again, stronger than before.)



"Don't underestimate me. I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize. 

(This is self explanatory. Don't underestimate someone for what they let off. Because they will know more than what everyone says.)

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